Online Courses Based Upon Reframing the Curriculum

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Interested in a more in-depth learning experience (with or without having read the book)? Check out the online courses I developed in partnership with Kappa Delta Pi, the book’s co-publisher.

Each of the self-paced courses takes approximately 9 hours, with a structure that allows completion of the individual modules within each course.

Both courses offer a mix of book excerpts, videos, online discussions, off-line activities, and clear strategies to apply the content.

Introduction to Sustainability

This course introduces sustainability from a transdisciplinary perspective, making it appropriate for people from a range of fields. For educators, the courses presents sustainability as a context for learning, highlights connections across grades and disciplines, and provides strategies for reframing curriculum to emphasize these connections. With a mix of activities, videos, discussions, off-line projects, and guided curriculum design, the course engages adult learners in an integrative and reflective learning experience that emphasizes practical applications.  Learn more and register.

Introduction to Social Justice

Introduction to Social Justice provides an overview of key social justice principles and guides educators to reframe curriculum with this lens. The 9-hour, self-paced course is co-developed by Kappa Delta Pi, an international education organization. The interactive course includes activities, videos, journaling, online conversations, and content from Reframing the Curriculum: Design for Social Justice and Sustainability (Routledge, 2018). Enrollment is ongoing. Fee: $49 for KDP members; $74 for non-members. Learn more and register.